Hire alligators? Nah their teeth are not discerning enough. Michigan is however seeking creative solutions for the real threat of this invasive species. Asian Carp have an appetite like a high school football team after practice and now Asian Carp have now been spotted close to Lake Michigan. As the Great Lakes region has a $7 billion dollar fishing industry the Michigan government is taking this threat seriously and have announced a global search challenge. Details like how much is the prize and how many winners is still being worked out. But a million dollars has been dedicated to the challenge so MI is serous. Hey, that gives more time to figure it out!
Alaskans are creative, we understand the value of fishing and not to mention, in some areas we have this Asian Carp problem too, so maybe an Alaskan (you?) can come up with a workable solution and make some money! My Lake Roomba idea isn't going to do it. Story here:
and Challenge info here: